Tween Pajama Party in the Early 90s, or Trump’s “Secret” Meeting in 2021? | by Anna Pook | Jun, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Someone had the bright idea to record the whole thing on cassette tape

Anna PookThe Belladonna ComedyIllustration by Marissa Maciel

  1. The whole thing is strictly hush-hush.

2. I mean, someone even goes to the trouble of writing “TOP SECRET” on everything in obnoxiously large print.

3. The multiple “TOP SECRET” warnings will probably not stop everyone present from blabbing to their neighbors, friends, families, pet dogs, or dangerous political enemies, of which there are MANY.

4. Someone casually asks for some Cokes to be brought in from the next room. On a good day, they even manage to say “please” which is totally out of character and probably comes from the desperate need to be liked.

5. No-one bothers to specify that it’s Diet Coke because everyone knows it is the drink of choice for the people that matter. People who matter, meaning skinny A-list celebrities who have given up at least one major food group.

6. There is a distinct smell of fake tan and hairspray.

7. Everyone makes fun of some “mean girl” named Hillary, because it makes them feel less insecure.

8. Despite the “Are you freaking serious?” nature of the conversation, there’s a lot of nervous giggling.

9. In fact, the overall vibe is pretty light-hearted which is weird because some of the revelations are pretty dark, like stuff where people will literally die if their secrets get out.

10. Highly confidential info getting into the wrong hands seems increasingly possible since someone had the bright idea to record the whole thing on cassette tape.

Tween Pajama Party: 1 – 10
Trump Tape: 1 – 10

Anna Pook is a writer and translator, living and working in the suburbs of Paris. She has never worn a beret. Not even ironically. Words in McSweeney’s, The Belladonna, Slackjaw, Little Old Lady and Litro Magazine. You can find her on Twitter @annapook.


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