Climb Europe´s highest sea cliff Jarastyle travel

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Climb Europe´s highest sea cliff Jarastyle travelPhoto: Norges Boltefond/Hornelen Via Ferrata/Visit Nordfjord

Hornelen is located on the island of Bremangerlandet in Nordfjord, north of the Sognefjord and south of the city of Ålesund. From the top (860 m.a.s.l) there is a magnificent panoramic view over narrow fjords and hight mountains, to small island at the far end of the sea gap.

“Climbing Hornelen is like moving into the post card”, says Rune Carlsen from Norges Boltefond, who built the via ferrata at Hornelen and several other places in Norway.Hornelen Via Ferrata opened on June 18 2023.

Climb Europe´s highest sea cliff Jarastyle travelPhoto: Norges Boltefond/Hornelen Via Ferrata/Visit Nordfjord

A landmark full of myths

The mountain was formerly an important landmark for passing ships, and in even older times a gathering place for witches (according to a legend) both at Midsummer and Christmas. According to the saga of Olav Trygvason, he climed up the steep side of the cliff, and many people believe that is why Olav established the first climbing route in Norway. Now you have the chanse to climb the same route as Olav, but in controlled and safe and controlled conditions.

Climb Europe´s highest sea cliff Jarastyle travelPhoto: Norges Boltefond/Hornelen Via Ferrata/Visit Nordfjord

Three different paths

Hornelen Via Ferrata is ready to welcome guests on guided hikes on Hornelen from June 18 2023. The experienced and knowledgeable guides take care of equipment and safety, and bring the guests safely up the mountainside so they can focus on climbing and the powerful nature experience.

“This is by far the most intense via ferrata in Norway!”, says Rogier van Oorschot, CEO for Hornelen Via Ferrata.

There are three different routes up to the top of Hornelen:

Ørnelia takes 2 hours and is the perfect introduction to via ferrata for beginners.
The Hekseveggen takes about 5 hours , and offers very varied and sometimes challenging climbing.
The Olavsruta is by far the fiercest rout, climbing the very peak of Hornelen. This route takes about 8 hours and is really exposed and challenging.
There will be 6 vavilable daily guided hikes, with a variety of group size.

“Our team is excited to start the season, guiding both experienced and beginners safely up the mountain side, says Oorschot.


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