Social Media’s Fave Makeup Artist – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Is it possible to leverage social media to create an in-person makeup empire? Well, in this interview, we had the privilege of sitting down with Eva Gabriella, a successful makeup artist, and micro-influencer based in Southern Spain.

We wanted to get the inside scoop on Eva’s experience as a makeup artist, and how she’s leveraged social media to build a thriving business that has her booked out for months on end each year. 

Social Media’s Fave Makeup Artist - Jarastyle Teen's

Meet Eva Gabriella: Social Media’s Fave Makeup Artist

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we get started, our readers would love to know a little bit more about your background. 

“I was originally born in the UK, but when I was four my parents and I moved to Spain.

I moved back and forth between the U.K. and Spain, working for companies such as Tom Fords, and Selfridges. From a very young age, I always wanted to work in the makeup industry. This passion is what led me to pursue certification and training, which ultimately landed me a job in the heart of Puerto Banus.

I met such a wide variety of people while I was working at the salon. People with different styles, facial features, eye colors, etc. Working within such a diverse environment is what gave me the experience to run my own business. Which sadly, came a lot sooner than I had imagined seeing as the salon was forced to close down during the pandemic. 

The unforeseen circumstances are definitely what led me to where I am today. I really focus on running my own successful business online during the lockdowns, and threw myself into creating makeup tutorials on Instagram.” 

What were the biggest challenges you’ve faced in this industry and how did you overcome them?

“I’d have to say that my biggest challenge is juggling everything and finding balance. I’m 24 years old, so I’m still trying to maintain somewhat of a social life and I’ve also got a long-term partner. I’m still trying to find the perfect balance between work and personal life. 

On another note, when it comes to business, people often assume that as a makeup artist, you just turn up do what needs to be done and leave. And that couldn’t be further from the truth – especially when it’s someone’s wedding day.

Weddings are such high-energy, and once-in-a-lifetime events for most people, which means there’s a lot of planning that goes on behind the scenes. And when it comes down to it, I’m wearing all the hats in my business. Sometimes you’ll catch me  doing admin or content creation, other times I’m working on PR and networking – it all falls on my shoulders, so there’s definitely an element of juggling which is what I feel can be a challenge at times.”

What has been your proudest moment as a makeup artist and how have you been able to use your skills to make a difference in the lives of your clients?

“I would say my proudest moments as a makeup artist and what sets me apart is that I don’t just show up, do the job, and leave. I’m genuinely there for my clients. The majority – around 99% – of my clients are experiencing their first and only wedding day, whereas I work at approximately 90 weddings a year.

This experience is what allows me to calm them down and troubleshoot any issues that may arise on the day. Often, I find myself helping the bride get into her dress, providing her with moments of tranquility if she’s feeling stressed on her special day. 

Whether they need assistance with local recommendations, such as places to visit or suppliers to use, I’m always available for my clients. My commitment goes beyond simply showing up, completing the job, and taking the payment. I genuinely care for my clients and their well-being, and I strive to build trusting relationships with them. 

It’s essential for me to be available as a support system for them throughout the wedding. I want them to remember not only the quality of my makeup but also the enjoyable time they spent with me that day.”

What do you think sets your makeup artistry apart from your competitors?

“I think there are several factors that make my makeup artistry stand out from my competitors. Firstly, the fact that I’m younger grants me the advantage of easily staying up to date with current trends. Having a blend of youthful creativity and professionalism is important when running a successful business in a service-oriented industry. I interact with people daily, not only clients but also suppliers, wedding planners, photographers, videographers, hairstylists, and even florists. So I’m more than happy to collaborate with others and establish strong working relationships.

Also worth noting is the pride I have in my work which leads me to consistently invest my time in learning new skills, improving myself, and acquiring high-quality products and tools. This dedication to constant growth and the level of care I bring to my craft is reflected in the quality of my day-to-day work.”

Eva Gabriella’s makeup page on Instagram has a whopping following of over 16 thousand. She uses her social media platforms as a portfolio by sharing content related to her makeup skills, before and afters, and even tutorials. 

Eva also has a highlight reel on Instagram dedicated to customer reviews, which is a great way of adding social proof to her page. 

What strategies have you used to grow your social media following?

“I would say my approach has not always been based on a specific strategy because social media is constantly evolving, and the platforms frequently change their algorithms. So it comes down to a matter of trial and error. 

To boost engagement, increase views, and encourage interaction, you have to adapt and experiment. One thing I really enjoy is content creation, especially taking photos for my business and creating engaging reels which I think is a skill that I inherited from my artistic parents.

I believe that having attractive social media content is a major part of the strategy. With so many makeup artists out there, your profile needs to stand out and captivate potential clients. It’s important to be relatable, but at the same time, your artistry and online presence should be impressive and unique.”

Social Media’s Fave Makeup Artist - Jarastyle Teen's

What has been the most successful platform for you in terms of gaining new followers?

“The platform that works best for me is without a doubt Instagram. I find it really convenient how streamlined the process of daily posting is, and by doing so I’m able to reach new audiences and showcase my online portfolio. 

Because that’s what my Instagram profile is, it’s an online portfolio that highlights my talent as a makeup artist. So instead of having a conventional website or business cards, I use Instagram – and honestly, it’s paying off, because I’d say that at least 60% of my business comes from the platform if not more. 

The rest of my clients are either referrals from wedding planners, other professionals in the industry, or past clients, which is word-of-mouth marketing in its purest form thanks to social proofing with positive reviews.”

What type of content generates the most engagement on social media for your brand?

“Without a doubt, the content that generates the best results for my business is Instagram Reels. I receive a ton of engagement from reels, and the reach each post can achieve always impresses me. 

Some of my in-feed images also drive a lot of interest, especially when they’re before and after makeup photos. Consumers absolutely love seeing that type of content.”

What advice would you give to other aspiring makeup artists who are looking to use social media to grow their businesses?

“My advice for makeup artists wanting to leverage social media to expand their businesses is to invest in the right tools. The right tools can make all the difference, and this doesn’t mean you need to spend thousands on a professional camera. Personally, I use an iPhone camera alongside a high-quality ring light that I purchased from Amazon. 

Another thing to note is how consistency is key. Keep posting regularly and practice your skills with friends and family. Post a shout-out on various social media groups that you’re seeking models, offering services at a reduced rate or even for free, so that you can generate content. 

Engage with your followers and interact with other businesses in your area that can contribute to your growth. For example, reach out to wedding planners, photographers, videographers, hairstylists, other suppliers, and local salons.”

What do you think has been the biggest factor in your success as a micro-influencer?

“I think the most significant factor in my success as a micro-influencer is maintaining a healthy balance between my online presence and real life. 

Understanding that success on social media fluctuates and that it’s normal not to receive immediate recognition. Instead of getting discouraged, I focus on the bigger picture and maintain confidence in my abilities as an artist. I recognize that social media is just one platform and doesn’t define my talent or worth. By persistently sharing my work, there will come a time when a post will resonate with a larger audience, garnering the views and engagement I aspire to achieve.”

What has been the most challenging part of navigating the business of social media?

“One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced, and it has been quite a struggle, is when I put in so much effort into content that’s creative and unique. However, it becomes incredibly draining when someone simply copies my ideas. It truly frustrates me to witness someone imitating my approach and achieving success by using the strategies I’ve developed.

Authenticity is a core value in my business, and I’m always trying to make sure that my brand reflects my genuine self. When I see others mirroring my identity and witnessing it yield positive results for them, it becomes disheartening. It can be incredibly frustrating to witness someone benefiting from the strategies and ideas that I’ve worked so hard to create.”

How do you stay creative and motivated when it comes to creating content for your social media accounts?

“I feel like the key to maintaining my creativity and motivation is the genuine enjoyment I find in content creation. I get immense pleasure from capturing photos and producing videos. 

Creativity comes naturally to me whether that be with a makeup brush or a camera. In fact, my original passion within the makeup industry was focused on special effects for film, which is a realm known for its creativity. However, I soon realized that the bridal sector in my area was both lucrative and highly popular, and I fell in love with it as well. “

What creative tactics did you use to make your social media posts stand out?

“I think one of my only strategies for content creation is to make sure the images or videos are high quality and are “on brand” for my profile. I’d rather not post anything on social media at all, rather than post a reel that I’m not 100% happy with or a carousel that I don’t LOVE. 

I think being a perfectionist and my own worst critic has helped me stand out and reach a larger audience.”

What trends do you keep an eye on to ensure your social media strategies stay up-to-date?

“I love to watch trending reels and even TikToks. Some of the audio clips really do make me laugh, especially the voiceovers. But, when it comes to actually following trends for content creation on my profile, it’s just not something I do. 

I’d much prefer to follow makeup trends and include that kind of popular culture in my content rather than a fleeting social movement that will be over within a blink of an eye. If I create content that’s trending, which I’ve done in the past, It’s only ever a couple of times a year — and the trend has got to be extra special and make sense for my business.”

What do you think are the most important skills to have for success in the influencer industry?

“To succeed as an influencer people need to hone their content creation skills. Instead of settling for basic fundamentals, creators should focus on improving their talents and developing new techniques that will make their content stand out.

I think that photography and editing are some of the most valuable skills an influencer can have. As well as community building and strategy development. 

The most important skill is mindset. Being able to continue testing and improving is vital. Especially when growth has stalled, which can happen often due to algorithm changes or something as simple as the time of year. Having that determination no keep going, keep creating content, and power through the slump is what will ultimately lead to success.”

What new projects are you working on and what can we expect to see from you in the near future?

“I’m constantly thinking of ways to expand my business – what can I do next? 

I’m thinking of possibly branching out into the UK market, which hasn’t been set in stone yet, but it’s definitely on my mind.  

Also, I’m mulling over the idea of working with other artists so that if I can’t necessarily take a certain job on – because I get very fully booked in advance and I don’t like to burn myself out — then I could refer the job to someone else within my network and create a long term and mutually beneficial relationship with them. 

These are all just ideas that I’m brainstorming at the moment, so we’ll see what the future holds.”

Where can our readers find you?

My main platform is on Instagram. If you’d like to read reviews and people’s experiences with me, you can Google “E Gabriela makeup” and my profile should come up  – I’ve got all of my reviews on there. 


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