31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen – Jarastyle

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Health is one of our most precious assets, and taking proactive steps to safeguard it should be a priority for everyone. Among the many health concerns we face, colon cancer stands as a formidable opponent, affecting millions of lives worldwide. It is a silent threat that can progress silently, often without noticeable symptoms, until it reaches an advanced stage.

However, with regular screenings and heightened awareness, we have the power to detect and prevent this disease from claiming lives prematurely.

Recently, 31-year-old Bri Mahon (@brimahon), a mom of twins from Newport Beach, California, shared a now viral Tiktok sharing the symptoms of her stage three colon cancer diagnosis.

In the video, Bri shares how she had been experiencing digestive issues fir a few years, chalking it up to IBS. Then came the growing feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

“I was having panic attacks and I think it’s just because my body was really, really, really tired and going through whatever it’s going through growing a tumor.”

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

Last September, Bri gave birth to twins, who were born prematurely and had to stay in the NICU for 4 months. It was during this time she began to notice blood in her stool.

“I wasn’t even really thinking about what I was going through. I thought it was stress. I thought it was depression. I thought it was anxiety, kind of all these things coming up again. My fatigue was really bad, but again, I justified it in my head as my boys are in the NICU.”

After consulting her doctor about the blood, he referred her to a GI specialist who then performed a colonoscopy. 10 biopsies later Bri had her cancer diagnosis.


my cancer symptoms for getting diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer ❤️ probably a lot of TMI but hopefully this helps someone 🫶 #coloncancerawareness #colorectacancer #fuckcancer #cancersucks #cancerfighter #cancersymptoms

♬ original sound – Bri Mahon | Twin Mama

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31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle

31-Year-Old Woman Shares The Subtle Signs She Had Colon Cancer, And We Should All Listen - Jarastyle


Source link
Jarastyle – #31YearOld #Woman #Shares #Subtle #Signs #Colon #Cancer #Listen
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/06/20/woman-shares-the-subtle-signs-she-had-colon-cancer/
