Employee Sees Past Boss’s Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy – Jarastyle

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Some bosses think they can do anything. Arrogant much? They want employees to work harder, do better, and get paid less. One Redditor spilled the tea on their boss turning them from a star employee to an anti-work supervillain. Their boss demoted them, and cut their pay by 20%, but piled on the same workload.

Little did the boss know, the employee did all the work on their personal laptop since no work laptop was provided. Well, when the Redditor quit, they took their laptop and all of their hard work with them. Mic drop.

1. “Boss tries to sugarcoat a demotion—I leave one week before deliverables are due”

Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle


Employee Sees Past Boss's Deception And Resigns, Leaving Project In Jeopardy - Jarastyle

h/t: r/antiwork


Source link
Jarastyle – #Employee #Sees #Bosss #Deception #Resigns #Leaving #Project #Jeopardy
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/06/16/employee-quits-antiwork/
