What Are the Things That Make You Feel Like the Best Version of You? – Jarastyle

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What Are the Things That Make You Feel Like the Best Version of You? - Jarastyle

What are the things that make you feel like the best version of you?

I was thinking about this today, because one of my goals this week is to do the things that serve me in a positive way, and I started by doing my hair this morning.

It’s amazing what getting my mop out of a messy bun does for my mood. Fun-buns are easy, and easy can be gloriously good, but sometimes Fun-buns make me feel disheveled, so when I take the time and make the effort to style my hair, I feel better and more capable.

Other things that help me…

  • Going to bed early (this one’s a challenge for me because all I wanna do at the end of the day is veg out on my couch.)
  • Cutting down on screen time, especially mindless scrolling before bed. If I leave the phone alone for at least an hour before I go to sleep, I fall asleep so much faster, and my next day is so much better.
  • Eating lots of fresh vegetables (I have so much more energy when I do this, so yay for leafy greens!)
  • Being militant about time management and keeping track of time (otherwise, every task will take two times longer than it needs to)
  • Stretching for at least 10 minutes every day
  • Putting on a little bit of makeup. At the very least, blush, bronzer, mascara and a lippie!

Also, trying to help other people always makes me feel like the best version of myself, and when I radiate happiness and light, it comes right back.

What are the things that make you feel like the best version of you? Volunteering? Drinking enough water (it makes a HUGE difference, doesn’t it)? Curling your lashes? Going to the beach?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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Jarastyle – #Feel #Version
Courtesy : https://makeupandbeautyblog.com/just-for-fun/what-are-the-things-that-make-you-feel-like-the-best-version-of-you-2/
