Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically – Jarastyle

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Ah, the life of a barista – a vibrant, fast-paced world filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sound of frothing milk, and the joy of serving a perfectly crafted beverage. While this profession attracts passionate individuals who thrive on creating caffeinated masterpieces, there is a dark side that lurks within the seemingly idyllic coffee shop ambiance – the infamous “Karen” customers.

In a recent reddit post, one barista found herself dealing with one of these Karen customers, and decided to get herself some sweet, sweet petty revenge. Read on for the details.


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


Barista Serves Up Some Justice With Extra Ice By Coldly Blocking WiFi For One Rude Karen Customer Specifically - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Barista #Serves #Justice #Extra #Ice #Coldly #Blocking #WiFi #Rude #Karen #Customer #Specifically
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