Worker Exposes Bad Boss’s Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off – Jarastyle

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Bad managers often blame workers for not being available at the last minute, even when they failed to schedule or hire enough staff. On Reddit’s r/antiwork subreddit, a worker shared a screenshot of their boss asking them to come in for work the next morning, despite it being a holiday and late at night. The employee declined due to prior plans with family in a different state, but the boss guilt-tripped them.

Readers responded with advice for OP in the comments, including thoughts on how the manager should’ve handled the situation to begin with.


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle

4. Here’s how readers in r/AntiWork responded to OPs story:

Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Worker Exposes Bad Boss's Last-Minute Demands To Come Into Work Despite Having Already Requested Time Off - Jarastyle


Source link
Jarastyle – #Worker #Exposes #Bad #Bosss #LastMinute #Demands #Work #Requested #Time
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