Lone buffalo outsmarts entire lion pride in Kruger National Park Jarastyle travel

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Lone buffalo outsmarts entire lion pride in Kruger National Park Jarastyle travel

A solitary buffalo outsmarts a pride of lions and survives their attack by utilizing a river infested with crocodiles to his advantage.

Antoni Britz, the manager of Elephant Walk Retreat located in Kruger National Park, South Africa, captured a remarkable incident and shared it with LatestSightings.com.

‘Situated just 50 meters from the Crocodile Bridge entrance to Kruger National Park, Elephant Walk Retreat offers self-catering accommodation with stunning views of the Crocodile River. It was on a particular day that Sipho, one of our staff members working in unit 8, spotted lions from the deck and alerted me.’

‘As the lions approached, there was also a lone buffalo that had come down to the river for a drink. The buffalo noticed the lions and immediately charged towards them, ensuring he remained aware of the threat. The lions belonged to the Vurhami Pride, and although they had several inexperienced sub-adults, they seemed apprehensive about confronting the buffalo directly. They maintained a safe distance but refused to give up.’

Young lions acquire essential hunting skills by observing and imitating the experienced hunters within their pride. Through this process, they learn to silently stalk through tall grass, execute strategic group ambushes, and time their attacks precisely. Such abilities enable lions to analyze and adapt to various prey behaviours.

‘In a bid to escape the lions, the buffalo sought refuge in the river. This move left the lions perplexed and uncertain about their next move. Realizing that standing in crocodile-infested waters wouldn’t ensure his survival, the buffalo decided to cross over to our side of the river.’

Defeated, the lions resigned themselves to drink water. The relief on the weary buffalo’s face was evident as the lions gradually left the riverbed one by one. Perhaps they, too, were not courageous enough to cross the water teeming with crocodiles merely for a meal.

‘At Elephant Walk Retreat, we are fortunate to witness incredible sightings and frequently encounter lions. Since I began working here in 2017, we have witnessed numerous hunts and kills, but it had been a while since the Vurhami Pride last visited us. I am thrilled to have seen them again in this area. With the dry season approaching, I hope they will visit more frequently as more game gathers by the river to drink.’

Watch the encounter in the video below:

ALSO READ: Two bull elephants have a violent duel in Kruger

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Courtesy : https://www.getaway.co.za/videos/lone-buffalo-outsmarts-entire-lion-pride-in-kruger-national-park/
