Saturday Surfing, June 3, 2023! – Jarastyle

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Saturday Surfing, June 3, 2023! - JarastyleHello to a good brow day

Hiya and happy Caturday!

Yesterday I had a very good brow day, so of course, I had to document it for prosperity’s sake, ha!

I went to lunch with a friend yesterday who loves beauty as much as I do (hi, Marisol!), and we spent a long time talking about how the texture of our hair has changed seemingly overnight in the last few years.

Apparently, it was all fun and games until we hit our 40s. We talked at length about how now our hair needs more TLC than it used to. I feel like I’m always looking for moisturizing products that don’t weigh my hair down. If you know of any, please, help a lady out.

What are your plans for the day? I’m off to drink another cup of coffee, and then we’ve got errands to run.

Before you head out on your adventures, though, here some weekend reading for ya.

This week’s beauty reading

Smokey eyes, always

I’ve been rocking out to this song all week long

I want all the things

5 minutes? Yes please!

I totally teared up during the series finale

Take me back to the ’80s please

Note to self

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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Jarastyle – #Saturday #Surfing #June
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