This Week’s “Under Duress” Beauty Haul – Jarastyle

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This Week's "Under Duress" Beauty Haul - Jarastyle

I didn’t realize how coordinated all these items were with the pink and beige packaging until just right meow! Weird.

Anywho, I wasn’t planning on buying any beauty things this week, but the other day I went to the dentist for a cleaning, and my dentist found not one, but two (!) cavities.

After the cleaning finished and my major meltdown with full-on blubbering and tears and everything was over (long story short, I’m an anxious dental patient!), I beelined it to Target and Sephora for some retail TLC.

I grabbed a few things I needed but have been putting off:

While I was at Sephora, I also picked up a birthday gift set by Ouai… Yup, next week I’m turning 43 again for the upmteenth time, ha ha.

I don’t know how this happened, but Connor is convinced that I’m 43, so I’ll take that number. Forever 43, baby!

This Week's "Under Duress" Beauty Haul - Jarastyle

This Week's "Under Duress" Beauty Haul - Jarastyle

Happy Friday to you. May your teeth be healthy and cavity free!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Did you do any beauty shopping this week?


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