Artichoke, pea and chevin risotto Jarastyle travel

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This comforting winter recipe is by the executive chef of Tryn Restaurant and Bistro Sixteen82, Kerry Kilpin, inspired by the Hearty & Homely Winter Lunch menu, a sensory feast featuring an abundance of fresh, local and seasonal ingredients, along with gratifying flavour combinations.

Artichoke, pea and chevin risotto Jarastyle travel

Artichoke, pea and chevin risotto by Steenberg Executive Chef Kerry Kilpin


300ml decent chicken or vegetable stock 

Boiling water 

Olive oil 

1t chopped garlic 

1 onion, chopped 

120g Arborio rice 

1 tin artichokes, drained and chopped 

90ml Steenberg Rattlesnake Sauvignon Blanc 

100g parmesan cheese, grated 

50g butter 

100g peas 

5g basil, chopping 

5g parsley, chopped 

1 log goats’ chevin 

Prawns (optional) 


Heat the stock in a pot to a simmer. 

In a second pot, sweat the onions and garlic in a little olive oil for three minutes without colouring. Add the rice and chopped artichokes and cook for a further two minutes or until the rice starts to become slightly translucent on the edges. Add the wine and stir until the rice thickens and half the wine has evaporated. 

Turn the heat down and gradually add the stock ladle by ladle. Stir occasionally. As the rice thickens, add more stock – you do not want it to get too thick. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the rice is cooked. (The grains should be white but have a firm centre). 

Add the butter, peas, herbs and parmesan. Season to taste. If you find the rice is a bit thick, thin it down with a bit of stock or boiling water if you have used all your stock. 

To serve, crumble the goats’ chevin over the top and enjoy with a glass of Steenberg Rattlesnake Sauvignon Blanc. 

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ALSO READ: The Hearty & Homely Winter Lunch at Bistro Sixteen82

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