Should Female Emancipation Come At The Expense of Food Storage Containers? | by Anna Pook | Apr, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Image from the State Archives of Florida (Public Domain). Cropped from the original

“How the rise of women triggered the DOWNFALL of Tupperware: Even the Queen liked their little plastic pots, but the firm is teetering on the brink of collapse because dutiful housewives no longer exist.”

Daily Mail Headline, 04/13/2023

Here at the Daily Mail, we believe women’s rights are important, just not as important as Tupperware. Those handy airtight containers can keep leftovers fresh for up to four or five days. There isn’t a woman alive who can do that.

Those iconic polyethylene boxes are symbolic of the post-war effort to get women back into their aprons, and we are deeply saddened to see those little burping guys go. Yes, they’ve remained untouched in the back of your cupboard for decades. But they at least know when to stay in their place, unlike women.

Who wouldn’t feel nostalgic for a pioneering pyramid scheme that helped housewives all over the world step out of the kitchen and straight into the adjacent living room? If anything, women should be grateful!

Thanks to those practical tubs with matching lids, women began earning their own incomes. They couldn’t withdraw their hard-earned cash from the bank without their husband’s permission but what could they possibly have needed the money for anyway? Those fun neighborhood parties were free!

Unfortunately—and somewhat inexplicably—modern women no longer appreciate protracted sales pitches for plasticware with nothing to take the edge off but a glass of homemade punch. Their values have shifted. Which is exactly what happens when you give women an inch. Now they want to have careers and takeout, financial independence and parties that don’t center on the USP of various kitchen utensils.

Social and economic progress for half the population is all well and good, but does it have to be at the detriment of easy-to-stack plastic pots? Now, because of women’s inability to put their homes and husbands first, Tupperware is teetering on the brink of extinction.

If this woke trend of female empowerment continues, it could be the demise for many other household essentials. First it’s the downfall of Tupperware, then before you know it, you’ll be waving goodbye to egg slicers and electric carving knives. Where will this madness end?

Women today could benefit from taking a leaf out of Queen Elizabeth’s book, who was herself a fan of the Tupperware brand. Do you think her Royal Highness ever resorted to Uber Eats or Grubhub? No, she made do with what she had leftover at the palace. It’s a damned shame millennials don’t have her sense of duty and sacrifice. That’s what got Tupperware into this bloody mess in the first place.

Of course her son would say that Tupperware has been replaced with more sustainable materials such as wood or glass, but Charles has always been a bit of a wuss, and growing consideration for the environment has nothing to do with Tupperware falling out of favor. Neither does the rise in cheaper food storage alternatives. It’s the women I tell you. It’s the women!

There was a brief period of respite for the Tupperware brand when the Covid pandemic hit and people finally realized what was truly important in life. Namely rolling back gender equality to the 1950s and baking sourdough starters. Those Halcyon days are sadly behind us, and we only have young women to blame. (Not Kate, obviously. But definitely Meghan.)


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