I don’t feel happy about the way I look ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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I don’t feel happy about the way I look. I feel I am an unattractive person in comparison to people that I know. I feel that I am very fat and short. I feel people will make fun behind my back and that I will never be liked. I want to feel happier. I want to change how I feel. Will I ever feel better?
T. (14)

The irony of your question is the number of times that you have used the word ‘feel’. I understand that you feel a lot, but most of what you feel is in thought only. Most of your sentences are you overthinking and talking negatively about yourself. Every person has a body type that differs from someone else. If you feel you can change it by exercising, and that would make you feel better, you should definitely consider it. To feel happier, you must make a list of all the things that you are good at, in comparison to speaking about the things that you are not good at. Writing down the good things will make you feel happier and self-validated. Sometimes we need to validate ourselves instead of expecting the same from another person. You live the rest of your life with yourself, so it is very important to appreciate and reward yourself. Self-love comes when you are aware about your worth.


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Jarastyle Teen’s – #dont #feel #happy #Teenager #Today
Courtesy : https://theteenagertoday.com/i-dont-feel-happy-about-the-way-i-look/
