Making your vacation creative ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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The annual school vacation is a time to rekindle your exhausted enthusiasm and rejuvenate your reduced vitalities. Unfortunately very few of us actually take advantage it. Most of us take the trouble to recharge our batteries. Vacation may be a time to be away from studies but it must not be a time to idle away the precious gift of time. If you invest well during your holidays in creative and productive ways it will certainly pay rich dividends to your life; and the Wright brothers did just that.

Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright, the famously-known Wright brothers, decided to try something different during their school vacations. After several attempts over the years, they finally succeeded in making the world’s first air-controlled and powered flight aircraft at Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, USA, on 17 December 1903. It marked the era of aviation. Likewise, many artists, sports personalities and writers have begun their journeys to renown from doing something in their leisure or holiday time.

Your holidays could be a time to explore some creative things that you always wanted to try. You could use this time to explore some new places, to read some books you always wanted to read, try some new hobbies like painting, cooking, knitting, dancing,or learning some musical instruments and thereby discover and develop your hidden talents. Most of these hobbies can greatly increase your self-esteem and enthusiasm in life. Most successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Sundar Pichai recharge their lives by leveraging something they are already very passionate about. It increases the level of success and provides potential to improve their skills.

An excellent way to relax and regain your physical and mental energy is to initiate yourself into yoga and meditation during this vacation. Yoga is an exercise focused on your body’s natural resources for health and self-healing. It is designed to create strength, awareness and harmony within both the body and the mind.
Meditation is a process of training your mind to focus. It helps to reduce stress and to increase concentration. People who do meditation can often remember detailed tasks more accurately and it may even reverse patterns in the brain that contribute to mind-wandering and poor attention. Meditation can also lead to an improved self-image with a more general outlook increasing positive feelings, which then come out in our actions.

In the present issue of The Teenager Today, you will find the inspiring story of a young Mumbai boy, Prabhat Kohli, who started with a childhood hobby of swimming which eventually took him to the height of creating a world record on 3 March 2023 at the age of 23. This issue also narrates the exciting story of Vijay Luiz, swimming with orcas during his holidays. Other articles on the good habit of reading are meant to enrich your vacation in the coming weeks. Wish you a rejuvenating and exciting vacation!


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