Unlocking The Mystery Of Submissions | by Kristen Mulrooney | Apr, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Before we start unpacking the mysterious pipeline your submission follows after you smash that SEND button, we have some recommended reading from The Belladonna team over at our friend McSweeney’s!

Check out Emily in Paris Unrest from Belladonna founder Brooke Preston in which Emily (Emileee) gets political in Paris (Pareee).

Plus, our social media maven Emily (Emileee) Kling snagged McSweeney’s top spot last month with The Wedding Vows of Someone Marrying Their Best Friend. Friggin Josh.

Ok, if you’ve ever submitted to The Belladonna, you may have found yourself wondering “Whyyyy are they making me attach a Word doc to this submission when they know I’m going to forget to attach it the first time and then have to send a second email saying ‘oops forgot the attachment, here it is!’?” We promise, we have a good reason!

When you send a submission to our inbox, the attached doc gets forwarded to our project management system. Each submission is basically a little Post-it on our virtual bulletin board. All four editors review each submission and leave our thoughts and constructive notes on each Post-it.

Why is this good for my submission?

You’re getting perspective from four different editors with four different comedic tastes and instincts. One editor may read a submission and feel that it doesn’t quite hit their funny bone, but then see the notes from another editor explaining why they loved it and be swayed to accept. Sometimes, one of the editors has a suggestion for a tweak that makes the whole concept come together for the rest of us.

If we do pass on a submission, we’re generally in agreement that some element of the piece needs some more attention. Part of The Belladonna’s mission is to provide constructive feedback for every submission we receive, so having notes from all the editors means we usually have a consensus on what edits could bring a piece to the next level.

Another question: when do you actually read my submission?

Usually pretty soon after you send it. We give a three-week window for our response time so that we have a chance to read, write our notes, and compile those notes into actionable feedback, but usually someone has read your submission in the first few days. If you’re submitting a piece about an upcoming event that isn’t quite timely, feel free to note it in the subject — we’ll see it!

And if I don’t hear from you in three weeks?

Follow up! Our system is pretty great but every so often a virtual Post-it falls through the virtual cracks. We’re always happy to hear and respond to your questions. What else do you want to know? We’re an open book!

It’s as easy as it sounds!

Your key responsibilities include ensuring the day-to-day quotient of crying time on behalf of team!

Trust us more than the FDIC.

What, like it’s hard?

You cottage-core, country-home wrecker!

“Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street made me like Jewish people again.” — Kanye (“Ye”) West, March 2023

as almost seen on Shark Tank

There’s no smoking allowed in the dorm rooms, but for me, they made an exception.

The Perineum Steams (You’re going to want to wear a skirt on these days)

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting my naughty pillows, you understand the weight of this loss– about six pounds give or take.

Print and bring to your next family barbecue!

6:05 AM: Awaken PASSION for chocolate by yodeling throatily at the sunrise.

And if you’ve been published in The Belladonna before, you can join our Slack Writers’ Room — just email us at thebelladonnacomedy@gmail.comand we’ll add you!

Thanks for reading, and keep being your amazing selves!

— The Belladonna Editors
(Emily, Emily, Heidi, and Kristen)


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Jarastyle – #Unlocking #Mystery #Submissions #Kristen #Mulrooney #Apr
Courtesy : https://thebelladonnacomedy.com/unlocking-the-mystery-of-submissions-e3d5f17cba5?source=rss—-e9e22d25fb5e—4
