76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work – Jarastyle Teen’s

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AI seems to be an inescapable topic and with 35% of businesses around the world using the tool, it seems that it’s only going to get bigger. Despite the controversies surrounding this type of software, influencers and marketers are finding a lot of success. As such, this article will discuss SocialPubli’s AI in Influencer Marketing report and provide a supportive commentary on how it can impact wider circles of the industry.

STUDY: 76% Of marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work


The AI in Influencer Marketing report first began its life as an online survey that was carried out in September 2023. This survey was answered by a collection of marketers and influencers, all of whom were already registered on the SocialPubli platform.

Overall, SocialPubli managed to collect 1,235 influencers and a further 73 agencies. In turn, the report uses their answers to build a comprehensive overview of the usefulness of AI in a number of different sectors. 

76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's

This report also offers us a closer look into the candidates’ demographics, particularly when it comes to influencers. SocialPubli states that most of the participants were based in either Europe or the Americas and six out of ten of them identified as female. The source also notes the majority of these individuals were aged 26-45. 


The AI in Influencer Marketing report supplies us with a plethora of key findings, but this article will only focus on the three most imperative. These are described below.

  1. Almost nine in ten influencers are familiar with AI.
  2. Influencers tend to have mixed feelings about AI but the majority of the candidates were enthusiastic about its potential. 
  3. Nearly 72% of candidates do not interact with virtual influencers online. 


SocialPubli’s report provides a unique look into the state of AI-generated content. It allows readers to expand their horizons and notice how this tool can accentuate every aspect of the marketing industry. Ted Murphy, the Founder, Chairman & CEO of IZEA comments on the rapid growth of AI and how it must become more cost-effective in order to become more widespread within the influencer marketing industry. 

‘AI usage is growing rapidly, and I believe it will rapidly accelerate in the future. The impacts of AI on influencer marketing will be profound, with generative sponsorships becoming mainstream over the next few years. Unlike current methods of creating sponsored content for influencer marketing programs, in this new paradigm, both parties collaborate closely to co-create content together alongside AI. This allows brands and creators to boost creativity, lower costs, and speed up production.

Generative AI will be an important component in keeping influencer marketing relevant in the future. The costs of sponsored posts from influencers have grown exponentially over the past two decades, and at some point, the cost increases need to level out. AI can help make sponsorships more affordable while simultaneously helping brands and creators produce new types of content that just aren’t possible in real-world constructs.’

Murphy’s insights not only showcase the potential of AI in our modern world but give us a better understanding of the types of technology that are available to us. Generative AI focuses on a range of different content such as video, text, and imagery. Therefore, it seems that these tools can help influencers and marketers build a series of comprehensive campaigns with ease, giving both parties more time and resources to place elsewhere.

The first finding within the AI in Influencer Marketing report explores how prevalent AI is in our modern society and how it’s quickly infiltrating our everyday lives. The report shows us that 87.6% were familiar with AI, suggesting that these candidates are not just seeing this tool across social media. AI is now used in essential fields such as healthcare, business, and data management, exemplifying its versatility and power in a number of different assets. Thus, we can assume that the public expects to see a lot more AI-powered tools, allowing it to become a common part of influence marketing. Iman Abdelall, the Head of U.S. Operations for LiveMe also explains how developments in AI are supporting high levels of growth for this platform.

‘AI is being used as a creative tool, helping influencers explore new ideas and styles. As AI becomes more integrated into creative processes, influencers may experiment with novel formats and content types. AI-generated content could become a unique selling point for some influencers. We’re seeing the impacts of this on some streaming platforms including platforms like LiveMe. 

It’s important to note that these potential changes are subject to various factors, including technological advancements, regulatory developments, and shifts in audience behavior. The influencer industry is dynamic, and AI will likely continue to play a significant role in shaping its evolution.’

Though LiveMe could still be considered a small platform, its use of AI indicates its determination for success. However, the source still notes the importance of regulating and monitoring the capabilities of AI, even on live streaming platforms, which are mostly conducted by the influencers themselves. In turn, it’s vital that industry leaders show impartiality toward these types of tools and see them as an asset rather than a complete solution for influencer-generated content.  

SociaPubli also notes that although candidates had a fairly mixed perception of AI, the majority of them spoke well of the tool. 36.9% stated that they felt more excited than concerned, 41% felt equally excited and concerned, and 22.1% were more concerned than excited.  Abdelaal gives his own thoughts on how influencers are responding positively to AI. 

‘Many influencers have shown interest in AI tools that enhance their content creation processes by offering ways to optimize and streamline some of the more tedious aspects of content creation. This includes AI-powered photo and video editing tools, caption generators, and other automation tools. Influencers often enjoy the time-saving aspect and the ability to maintain a consistent and polished aesthetic.

Influencers can also benefit from AI for analytics and optimization purposes for their overall growth as creatives. AI tools that analyze audience behavior, suggest optimal posting times, and identify content trends are welcomed by those looking to maximize their reach and engagement.’

The analytical side of AI assures us that this tool is not just for creativity, it can be used in all areas of a marketing campaign. This is especially beneficial for content creators who are looking to exert full control over their work, giving them everything they need to track the success of their campaigns. Not only can these programs help influencers produce viral content, but they also have the chance to help them develop a better work-life balance. 

Although a large portion of the report’s sample seemed to feel indifferent about the power of AI, this doesn’t mean that they’re not aware of its progress and evolution. Emma Lenhart, the Project Development Manager at HireInfluence also acknowledges how influencers can feel weary of the prospect of these tools.

‘There are definitely mixed feelings among influencers about using AI and integrating the technology into existing workflows and creative processes, which is fair and to be expected as with any new technology. It’s crucial for those of us within the industry to recognize that AI should not replace human-led creativity. 

However, I think an important mindset shift for influencers is to see AI as a tool and asset for creativity, rather than something that thwarts it. If used responsibly, AI can be a way for influencers to gain a deeper understanding about what their followers engage with and respond to, in order to better inform their content strategy moving forward; ultimately better serving both their audience and brand partners.’

Although we cannot deny the positives surrounding AI technology, Lenhart’s comments remind us once again to not rely on these tools wholeheartedly. Influencers use their creative potential to produce a wealth of profitable and intriguing work, but a lot of this content requires a hefty load of time and money. Thus, it’s best to use AI to reduce these burdens, rather than just replace human work altogether. In turn, we may see an increase in AI usage in research and data analysis, but it’s unlikely that these tools will be able to completely wipe out humans just yet.

The final finding within this report concerns virtual influencers. These content creators are typically formed using a selection of AI technologies and CGI software. As such, these digitally crafted influencers work in a similar fashion to regular influencers, giving them the chance to collaborate with a variety of highly sought-after brands. Sega Cheng, the Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO of iKala explains the nuances surrounding these monetization opportunities, especially with regard to the East. 

‘The development of virtual idols in Japan has been relatively rapid and mature, and they even have particular agencies to help with business collaboration. In Taiwan or other countries in South East Asia, many virtual influencers have not fully mastered the marketing resources associated with brand collaborations. Therefore, they require the expertise of a professional influencer marketing team to assist in promoting more opportunities for business partnerships.’

Cheng’s insightful comments remind us that influencer marketing is a powerful strategy all around the world. Thus, it’s important to recognize that even though virtual influencers may not be hitting all of the marks in the West, they still hold a lot of value in other lucrative countries. Plus, since a lot of these Eastern countries have been at the forefront of many technological advancements for many years now, we can assume that they’re also working to promote the force of virtual influencers.

Despite their potential and ingenuity, virtual influencers are not finding much success, with less than 30% of the sample following them on social media. This poor performance leads us to believe that viewers prefer influencers who use AI to elevate their work, rather than those who use AI purely to generate content. To explore these drawbacks even further Iman Abdelaal offers his views on the concept of virtual influencers and the importance of authenticity in these matters.

‘Virtual influencers don’t have personal lives or experiences, which can eliminate concerns related to authenticity. However, this lack of authenticity can be a double-edged sword, as audiences may find it challenging to form genuine connections. But, they can be designed to appeal to specific niche audiences that might be underserved by human influencers. This customization allows brands to target audiences with precision.’

In spite of these comments, Emma Lenhart explores how marketers can use virtual influencers to the best of their ability, offering them more success in this dynamic industry.

‘While using virtual influencers introduces a new dynamic, the fundamental approaches marketers use to execute campaigns remain consistent. Marketers should acknowledge the differences between AI and human influencers, and create campaigns tailored to objectives in order to ensure a seamless experience that aligns with the brand and resonates with the target audience.’

To finalize this piece Abdelaal offers a wealth of extensive advice on how marketers can utilize AI so that it helps their campaigns grow from strength to strength. 

‘The first step is to ensure that influencers are carefully selected based on your marketing strategy and needs. It’s best to choose influencers whose interests align with AI and whose audience is likely to be receptive to such content. Look for influencers who can authentically integrate AI into their niche.

The second step is to educate and inform. It’s crucial to work closely with influencers to ensure they have accurate information about the AI applications being promoted. Encourage them to create content that educates and informs their audience and ensure you have a team that can review the content being shared before it’s live for their audiences. 

Lastly, monitor and adapt. As AI technology continues to grow, it’s important to regularly monitor influencer campaigns, gather feedback, and be ready to adapt strategies based on the evolving landscape and audience responses.

In summary, leveraging the enthusiasm of influencers for AI presents exciting opportunities, but it’s essential to approach it strategically, ensuring authenticity, accuracy, and alignment with broader marketing goals.’

Abdelaal’s guide to AI in influencer marketing encourages us to critique these tools, but not disregard them completely. Now that these tools are so common and accessible, it seems like every sector is using them in some way or another, without giving it a second thought.

But, the Head of U.S. Operations reminds us to regularly assess the benefits linked with AI and forces us to ask whether they’re actually useful to our brands. These comments also note that we should be using human power to assess the work of AI, which could open up a range of job opportunities for the future workforce. Therefore, these comments allow us to question the validity and usefulness of AI but also ask us to experiment with the tools on offer so that we can extend their practicality and growth. 

SociaPubli’s AI in Influencer Marketing report provides us with a stellar selection of informative findings and when paired with the comments of industry leaders, we are able to gain a much more comprehensive understanding of these tools. Yet, with this understanding comes an increase in responsibility. As these tools become more apparent and approachable, it’s important that both influencers and marketers continue to use their better judgment to assess whether AI is the best resource for their desired goals and campaigns. 

Insights from leaders in the industry: 

  1. Iman Abdelaal, Head of U.S. (LiveMe)

The adoption of AI by influencers has influenced the industry in various ways, with potential changes on the horizon that could further shape its landscape.

Content Creation and Personalization

Influencers are using AI tools to streamline content creation, from generating captions to editing images and videos. AI algorithms can analyze audience preferences and help influencers tailor their content for maximum engagement. As AI continues to improve, we may see even more sophisticated content creation tools. Personalization could become more advanced, with AI algorithms generating content that is highly tailored to individual followers’ preferences.

Audience Engagement and Analytics:

AI is being used to analyze audience behavior, predict trends, and optimize posting schedules. Chatbots powered by AI are also used for direct engagement with followers.

Advanced analytics tools may emerge, providing influencers with deeper insights into audience sentiments and preferences. AI-driven chatbots could become more conversational and capable of handling complex interactions.

3- Monetization and Brand Partnerships:

AI is helping influencers identify brand collaboration opportunities by analyzing market trends and audience demographics. AI could facilitate more efficient matchmaking between influencers and brands. Dynamic pricing models based on AI assessments of an influencer’s reach and impact may become more common.

4.  Enhanced Creativity and Innovation:

AI is being used as a creative tool, helping influencers explore new ideas and styles.

As AI becomes more integrated into creative processes, influencers may experiment with novel formats and content types. AI-generated content could become a unique selling point for some influencers. We’re seeing the impacts of this on some streaming platforms including platforms like LiveMe. 

It’s important to note that these potential changes are subject to various factors, including technological advancements, regulatory developments, and shifts in audience behavior. The influencer industry is dynamic, and AI will likely continue to play a significant role in shaping its evolution.

Influencers’ Attitudes Toward AI:

In your experience, how have influencers’ attitudes towards AI affected their content and engagement with their audience?

Many influencers have shown interest in AI tools that enhance their content creation processes by offering ways to optimize and streamline some of the more tedious aspects of content creation. This includes AI-powered photo and video editing tools, caption generators, and other automation tools. Influencers often enjoy the time-saving aspect and the ability to maintain a consistent and polished aesthetic.

Influencers can also benefit from AI for analytics and optimization purposes for their overall growth as creatives. AI tools that analyze audience behavior, suggest optimal posting times, and identify content trends are welcomed by those looking to maximize their reach and engagement.

However, some influencers also express concerns about the potential impact of AI on authenticity. The rise of deepfake technology and the use of AI to create hyper-realistic virtual influencers have sparked discussions about maintaining genuine connections with followers. Some influencers may actively avoid certain AI applications to preserve a sense of authenticity.

It’s essential to recognize that influencers’ attitudes towards AI can vary widely based on factors such as their niche, target audience, personal values, and the specific goals they have for their content. Additionally, the landscape is likely to evolve as AI technology continues to advance, and influencers adapt to new opportunities and challenges in the digital space.

What are your thoughts on leveraging the enthusiasm of influencers for AI in our marketing strategies? Do you see any risks or significant opportunities?
Leveraging the enthusiasm of influencers for AI in marketing strategies can offer both opportunities and risks. 


Authentic Advocacy:

Influencers who genuinely embrace and understand AI can authentically communicate its benefits. Their enthusiasm can come across as genuine and persuasive, potentially influencing their followers positively.

Educational Content:

Influencers can play a crucial role in educating their audience about AI technologies. By creating content that explains AI concepts, applications, and benefits, influencers can contribute to a better-informed audience.

Showcasing AI-Enhanced Experiences:

Influencers can use AI tools to enhance their content creation process, providing unique and engaging experiences for their audience. This can set them apart and attract followers interested in cutting-edge content.


Authenticity Concerns:

76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's

76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's

If influencers appear too enthusiastic without a genuine understanding or alignment with their brand persona, it can lead to authenticity concerns. Audiences are perceptive, and overly promotional content may be received with skepticism.


Influencers may not always have a comprehensive understanding of AI, and there’s a risk of unintentional or even deliberate misinformation. It’s crucial to ensure that any educational content aligns with accurate information and ethical considerations.

Privacy and Ethical Issues:

Enthusiastic promotion of AI applications without addressing privacy and ethical considerations can pose risks. Influencers should be mindful of the potential implications and communicate responsibly about the ethical use of AI.


The first step is to ensure that influencers are carefully selected based on your marketing strategy and needs. It’s best to choose influencers whose interests align with AI and whose audience is likely to be receptive to such content. Look for influencers who can authentically integrate AI into their niche.

The second step is to educate and inform. It’s crucial to work closely with influencers to ensure they have accurate information about the AI applications being promoted. Encourage them to create content that educates and informs their audience and ensure you have a team that can review the content being shared before it’s live for their audiences. 

Lastly, monitor and adapt. As AI technology continues to grow, it’s important to regularly monitor influencer campaigns, gather feedback, and be ready to adapt strategies based on the evolving landscape and audience responses.

In summary, leveraging the enthusiasm of influencers for AI presents exciting opportunities, but it’s essential to approach it strategically, ensuring authenticity, accuracy, and alignment with broader marketing goals.

Engagement with Virtual Influencers:

How do you perceive the role of virtual influencers in our industry, especially considering that a majority of candidates don’t interact with them?

In the last two years, virtual influencers have been an emerging trend in the influencer marketing industry, and their role has been evolving. Virtual influencers are computer-generated characters that are designed to look and behave like real people. Here are some perceptions and considerations regarding the role of virtual influencers in the industry:


Novelty and Innovation:

Virtual influencers bring a sense of novelty and innovation to the influencer marketing landscape. Their digital nature allows for creative and unique content creation that may not be possible with human influencers.

Branding and Control:

Brands have more control over the image and messaging of virtual influencers. They can carefully craft the virtual influencer’s personality and appearance to align precisely with their brand values and messaging.

Lack of Authenticity Concerns:

Virtual influencers don’t have personal lives or experiences, which can eliminate concerns related to authenticity. However, this lack of authenticity can be a double-edged sword, as audiences may find it challenging to form genuine connections.

Targeting Niche Audiences:

Virtual influencers can be designed to appeal to specific niche audiences that might be underserved by human influencers. This customization allows brands to target audiences with precision.


Limited Audience Interaction:

One significant challenge with virtual influencers is the limited ability to interact with their audience in a genuine way. While they can respond to comments and engage to some extent, the lack of authentic experiences and emotions can hinder meaningful interactions.

Audience Acceptance:

As mentioned in the question, a majority of audiences may not actively interact with virtual influencers. Acceptance varies, and some audiences may find it difficult to connect with entities that lack a human touch.

Evolution of Technology:

The technology behind virtual influencers is continually evolving. As technology improves, virtual influencers may become more sophisticated, potentially overcoming some of the current limitations in terms of interaction and authenticity.

Balancing Virtual and Human Influencers:

Many brands and marketers may find value in a balanced approach, incorporating both virtual and human influencers in their campaigns. Human influencers bring authenticity and relatability, while virtual influencers offer a unique and controlled branding opportunity.

The role of virtual influencers is likely to evolve as technology advances, and audience perceptions adapt. To maximize the impact of virtual influencers, there may be a need for continued innovation, improved interactivity, and strategies that leverage their strengths in a way that resonates with audiences.

It’s important to stay updated on industry trends and audience preferences to make informed decisions about the integration of virtual influencers into influencer marketing strategies. Keep in mind that audience attitudes toward virtual influencers may shift over time, and successful integration may require a careful balance between virtual and human elements in your marketing approach.

What strategies do you think could be effective in integrating or responding to the presence of virtual influencers in the market?

Effectively integrating or responding to the presence of virtual influencers in the market requires thoughtful strategies. Here are some approaches that could be effective:

Audience Education:

Implement strategies to educate your target audience about the concept of virtual influencers. Transparently communicate the nature of virtual influencers, addressing any potential concerns and emphasizing the creativity and innovation they bring to the industry.

Hybrid Campaigns:

Consider incorporating both virtual and human influencers in your campaigns. A balanced approach allows you to leverage the strengths of each, combining the authenticity of human influencers with the unique, controlled branding opportunities offered by virtual influencers.

Authenticity in Messaging:

Emphasize the authenticity of your brand messaging, whether conveyed by virtual or human influencers. Clearly articulate your brand values and ensure that the messaging aligns with the expectations and preferences of your target audience.

Interactive Experiences:

Enhance the interactivity of virtual influencers by incorporating advanced technologies. Explore the use of AI-driven chatbots or interactive content that encourages audience engagement. The more immersive the experience, the more likely audiences are to connect with virtual influencers.

Storytelling and Character Development:

Invest in compelling storytelling and character development for virtual influencers. Creating a captivating narrative around virtual characters can make them more relatable and interesting to audiences, fostering stronger connections.

Monitoring Industry Trends:

Stay informed about evolving industry trends and advancements in virtual influencer technology. As the field develops, new opportunities and challenges may arise, and staying ahead of these trends will allow you to adjust your strategies accordingly.

Innovative Collaborations:

Explore innovative collaborations between virtual and human influencers. This can create dynamic and engaging content, showcasing the synergy between the two types of influencers and capturing the attention of diverse audience segments.

Adaptability and Feedback:

Be adaptable in your approach and responsive to audience feedback. Monitor how your audience interacts with virtual influencers and be prepared to adjust your strategies based on evolving preferences and sentiments.

Ethical Considerations:

Pay attention to ethical considerations, such as the responsible use of virtual influencers and the impact on societal perceptions. Address any ethical concerns through clear communication and by aligning your strategies with ethical standards.

By incorporating these strategies, businesses can navigate the presence of virtual influencers effectively, ensuring a balanced and responsive approach that resonates positively with their target audience.

  1. Emma Lenhart, Project Development Manager at HireInfluence’s 

AI Familiarity Among Influencers:

1- How do you think the usage of AI among influencers is impacting our industry and what potential changes do you foresee?

Anyone who works in influencer marketing, whether as an influencer or marketer, knows from experience that the industry is ever-changing. For influencers, the recent emergence of AI holds a lot of potential for changing the way they approach creating content and running their businesses. I’m excited to see what comes as a result of influencers adopting AI technology to save them time on tedious tasks and administrative work – allowing them to do more of what they love to do and create with their platforms.

Influencers’ Attitudes Toward AI:

2- In your experience, how have influencers’ attitudes towards AI affected their content and engagement with their audience?

There are definitely mixed feelings among influencers about using AI and integrating the technology into existing workflows and creative processes, which is fair and to be expected as with any new technology. It’s crucial for those of us within the industry to recognize that AI should not replace human-led creativity. However, I think an important mindset shift for influencers is to see AI as a tool and asset for creativity, rather than something that thwarts it. If used responsibly, AI can be a way for influencers to gain a deeper understanding about what their followers engage with and respond to, in order to better inform their content strategy moving forward; ultimately better serving both their audience and brand partners.

3- What are your thoughts on leveraging the enthusiasm of influencers for AI in our marketing strategies? Do you see any risks or significant opportunities?

I’m excited about the current opportunity for marketers to lean into the enthusiasm of influencers for AI and use it when crafting marketing strategies. To me, it feels like AI is raising the bar for marketers, and I see a lot of potential for how AI and data-led marketing can help us as marketers better understand audiences, translating into more effective, engaging and personalized marketing experiences. Innovation is happening rapidly, which has been invigorating to see and I’ve enjoyed being a student and learning from others. 

At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge that many people in the industry are still in the early stages of AI-adoption, so we have to be able to admit that changing the way we work and trying new marketing strategies may require experimentation over time.

Engagement with Virtual Influencers:

4- How do you perceive the role of virtual influencers in our industry, especially considering that a majority of candidates don’t interact with them?

One of the core pillars behind effective influencing is to create a genuine connection with your audience, which can be tricky to try and replicate when utilizing virtual influencers. The idea of virtual influencers is interesting in theory and I think there can be certain use cases for them, but overall I think that human influencers who can build that real know, like and trust factor with their audiences will reign supreme. 

5- What strategies do you think could be effective in integrating or responding to the presence of virtual influencers in the market?

While using virtual influencers introduces a new dynamic, the fundamental approaches marketers use to execute campaigns remains consistent. Marketers should acknowledge the differences between AI and human influencers, and create campaigns tailored to objectives in order to ensure a seamless experience that aligns with the brand and resonates with the target audience.

3) Sega Cheng | LinkedIn | Co-Founder & Chairman & CEO at iKala

76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's

AI Familiarity Among Influencers:

1- How do you think the usage of AI among influencers is impacting our industry and what potential changes do you foresee?

  • Rise of AI-Generated Content: AI tools, like content generators, are becoming more sophisticated. Influencers may leverage these tools to create high-quality content quickly.
  • AI-Driven Campaign Strategies: Brands are increasingly relying on AI-driven influencer marketing strategies to optimize their campaigns and achieve better ROI. 
  • To streamline the process of finding right influencers for brands. KOL Radar uses AI technology to help brands solve problems in influencer marketing campaigns. We are also developing a natural language search engine and explainable search results to summarize the reason for recommending particular influencers for brand owners. We are also launching Gen AI Enabled Reporting in H2, to help brands efficiently track project performance and conversion rates.

Engagement with Virtual Influencers:

2- How do you perceive the role of virtual influencers in our industry, especially considering that a majority of candidates don’t interact with them?

  • Potential business opportunity: according to Market Research, The global Vtuber (Virtual YouTuber) market size is projected to reach US$ 17.4 billion by 2028, from US$ 1.639 billion in 2021, at a CAGR of 35.55% during 2022-2028. Seven of the top ten YouTubers in Japan are virtual influencers, and they are also growing in the US or Europe thanks to the AI trends. It will gradually become one of the primary strategies for brand owners to drive influencer marketing in the future. 
  • Currently, the operational challenges and opportunities we observe are:
    • Emerging community: The community is relatively new, and resources are unstable.
    • Lack of Communication for Business Collaborations: There is a lack of effective communication methods or SOP for business collaborations.

3- What strategies do you think could be effective in integrating or responding to the presence of virtual influencers in the market?

  • The development of virtual idols in Japan has been relatively rapid and mature, and they even have particular agencies to help on business collaboration. 
  • In Taiwan or other countries in SouthEast Asia, many virtual influencers have not fully mastered the marketing resources associated with brand collaborations. Therefore, they require the expertise of a professional influencer marketing team to assist in promoting more opportunities for business partnerships.
  • Also, most brands have a limited understanding of the virtual influencer landscape, and their familiarity with the benefits of promoting through it is low. With extensive experience in cross-border collaborations and being recognized as a YouTuber MCN Partner, KOL Radar is well-positioned to enhance the breadth of collaborations between virtual influencers and brands.


1- How do you think the usage of AI among influencers is impacting our industry and what potential changes do you foresee? 

AI usage is growing rapidly, and I believe it will rapidly accelerate in the future. The impacts of AI on influencer marketing will be profound, with generative sponsorships becoming mainstream over the next few years. Unlike current methods of creating sponsored content for influencer marketing programs, in this new paradigm, both parties collaborate closely to co-create content together alongside AI. This allows brands and creators to boost creativity, lower costs, and speed up production.

Generative AI will be an important component in keeping influencer marketing relevant in the future. The costs of sponsored posts from influencers have grown exponentially over the past two decades, and at some point, the cost increases need to level out. AI can help make sponsorships more affordable while simultaneously helping brands and creators produce new types of content that just aren’t possible in real-world constructs. 

Virtual influencers, real influencers with AI-rendered images, and AI-rendered product models become mainstream. Moreover, AI’s evolution will empower micro-influencers, allowing them to stand toe-to-toe with top-tier influencers. This shift won’t just level the playing field; it will redefine it, ushering in a new era of democratized influencer marketing.

76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's

76% Of Marketers, 52% Of Influencers Use AI In Their Work - Jarastyle Teen's

2. Influencers’ Attitudes Toward AI

Influencers have embraced AI as a game-changer. The enthusiasm for AI among influencers presents a significant opportunity to tap into AI-driven content creation, leading to more innovative and engaging campaigns.

According to IZEA’s most recent survey, 74.4 percent of influencers say they use AI to assist in their content creation, while only 5.4 percent say they prefer creating content without AI assistance.

However, we must consider the learning curve and current capabilities associated with new technology, ensuring influencers are supported and trained effectively. Simultaneously, we need to prioritize authenticity and transparency, ensuring that AI-generated content is not only disclosed to followers, but that the content continues to align with the influencer’s values.

3. Engagement with Virtual Influencers:

The key to integrating virtual influencers into the market effectively is authenticity. Despite being AI-driven, they need to resonate with audiences on a human level. This means creating compelling backstories, consistent personalities, and engaging content that aligns with their character.

Another strategy is collaboration. Virtual influencers can work alongside human influencers, creating a blend of real and virtual content. This can help to bridge the gap, making virtual influencers more accessible and relatable to audiences.


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Jarastyle – #Marketers #Influencers #Work
Courtesy : https://www.netinfluencer.com/socialpubli-ai-influencer-marketing-report/
