74 countries South Africans may visit without a visa Jarastyle travel

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74 countries South Africans may visit without a visa Jarastyle travel

According to the VisaGuide Passport Index, the South African passport ranks 98th in the world, as of January 2024.

This ranking allows South African citizens who are passport holders to travel without a visa to 74 different countries across the globe. This saves on the expense and the lengthy process of applying for a visa to travel.

Here’s the full list of countries South African citizens can visit, visa-free:

  1. Angola
  2. Antigua and Barbuda
  3. Argentina
  4. Bahamas
  5. Barbados
  6. Belize
  7. Benin
  8. Botswana
  9. Brazil
  10. British Virgin Islands
  11. Cayman Islands
  12. Chile
  13. Cook Islands
  14. Costa Rica
  15. Dominica
  16. Dominican Republic
  17. Ecuador
  18. El Salvador
  19. Falkland Islands
  20. Fiji
  21. Gabon
  22. Georgia
  23. Ghana
  24. Grenada
  25. Guatemala
  26. Guyana
  27. Haiti
  28. Honduras
  29. Hong Kong
  30. Ireland
  31. Israel
  32. Jamaica
  33. Kenya
  34. Kiribati
  35. Kosovo
  36. Lesotho
  37. Macau
  38. Malawi
  39. Malaysia
  40. Mauritius
  41. Micronesia
  42. Montserrat
  43. Mozambique
  44. Namibia
  45. Nicaragua
  46. Niue
  47. Pakistan
  48. Palestine
  49. Panama
  50. Paraguay
  51. Peru
  52. Philippines
  53. Qatar
  54. Réunion
  55. Russia
  56. Singapore
  57. South Korea
  58. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  59. Saint Lucia
  60. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  61. Suriname
  62. Tanzania
  63. Thailand
  64. Gambia
  65. Togo
  66. Trinidad and Tobago
  67. Tunisia
  68. Turks and Caicos Islands
  69. Uruguay
  70. Vanuatu
  71. Venezuela
  72. Zambia
  73. Zimbabwe
  74. Eswatini

You may enter these countries without a visa but a passport that’s valid for at least six months after your departure date will still be required for international travel.

And while you may be cutting costs on the visa-free travel, an article published by BussinessTech in July 2023 highlights another “endearing” expense for South Africans looking to travel internationally.

The article states:

“In November [2022], passports domestically saw a 50% price change – up from R200 to R600. Larger books for jet setters are now R1,200.”

According to Aaron Motsoaledi, the Minister of Home Affairs, this price hike was brought on by South Africa’s passport costing three times less than several other countries. According to Motsoaledi, the nation hadn’t seen a passport price hike in over a decade.

Along with passport expenses, one must also bear in mind that most countries require travel health insurance, too – another costly but necessary requirement for international travel.

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Jarastyle – #countries #South #Africans #visit #visa
Courtesy : https://www.getaway.co.za/travel/74-countries-south-africans-may-visit-without-a-visa/
