5 Ideas To Kill Time At The Airport Jarastyle travel

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Picture this…you are at the airport and headed to your dream destination. Your bags have been checked in and your boarding pass issued.

5 Ideas To Kill Time At The Airport Jarastyle travel

Picture: Ivan Shimko / Unsplash.

You’ve got plenty of excitement in your heart and a whole lot of time on your hands. What now?

Although not every airport around the world has the same amenities, there are a number of ways to keep yourself entertained.

Here are a few ideas to kill time at the airport:

Read a book

Reading is an interesting and beneficial way to spend your time. If you forgot to bring a book along with you, look for a book store inside the airport. They usually have a range of different genres and you can choose any book that is of interest to you. As you get lost in the pages while waiting for your flight, you will be surprised at just how fast time flies.


5 Ideas To Kill Time At The Airport Jarastyle travel

Picture: Danijela Prijovic / Unsplash

Having time on your hands can be a huge advantage, especially if you are not familiar with the airport you find yourself in.

You can kill some time by walking around the entire airport and getting to see it’s different parts. This way, you will get to see what the airport has to offer. Who knows? You might even see cool and interesting parts that you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to see.

Get some work done

If you are someone who tends to procrastinate, having time to kill at the airport is the perfect excuse to get some work done.

Use this extra time to finish off that one thing you have been meaning to complete. It is also a great opportunity to learn a skill you’ve been meaning to acquire using your laptop. Examples include coding or editing images.

Network and be social 

5 Ideas To Kill Time At The Airport Jarastyle travel

Picture: Lord Henri Voton / iStock

Instead of being on your device the whole time, you can strike a conversation with someone who is also waiting for their flight.

The airport is a place with interesting people from different walks of life. Who knows? You might end up making a new friend, or creating a bond with someone in a similar professional field as you whom you can work alongside. If you’re not too good at speaking to people, this may improve your social skills and boost your confidence.

Relax and unwind

If you have a busy schedule and hardly ever take some time out to rest, relaxation is a great way to kill time at the airport. Having time on your hands will mean the rare opportunity to unwind and engage in the art of doing nothing.

You can do this in the airport slow lounge where you can grab food and drinks in a relaxed atmosphere. If the airport where you find yourself has a mini spa, spoiling yourself to a relaxing massage is also not a bad idea.

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ALSO READ: Safety Guide for Holiday Travel with Kids  


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Jarastyle – #Ideas #Kill #Time #Airport
Courtesy : https://www.getaway.co.za/travel/travel-ideas/5-ideas-to-kill-time-at-the-airport/
