28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff ‘Threads’ – Jarastyle

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Welcome to the dawn of a new era in social media, as Meta has officially unveiled its latest text-based application – Threads. The app, designed as an audacious competitor to Twitter, has certainly made waves across the internet, even triggering a lawsuit by Elon Musk, who recently acquired Twitter.

The features of Threads mirror those of Twitter quite closely. From writing bite-sized posts to sharing photos and videos, the similarity is glaring. The app even lets you “repost” threads, a feature akin to Twitter’s “retweet”. These uncanny resemblances have led many to dub Threads as nothing more than a carbon copy of Twitter, while others see it as a breath of fresh air, given the recent dissatisfaction with Twitter’s constant and seemingly nonsensical platform changes.

The launching of Threads has sparked a renewed debate amidst the simmering Zuckerberg/Musk rivalry. Is it time to abandon Twitter? Should we migrate to Threads? Or do we simply tune out from both and hibernate under a digital rock? The jury is still out.

Interestingly, the move to Threads hasn’t been entirely frictionless. Some users have expressed unease about the requirement to link their Threads account to their Instagram. Others are apprehensive about the app’s potential censorship policies. Nonetheless, the masses haven’t hesitated to flock to Threads and explore its features, fuelling a growing discussion about the app’s pros and cons.

As the internet finds itself divided, it’s clear that Threads has emerged at a crucial junction, when many users are growing weary of the instability on Twitter. While I’ve only skimmed the surface of Threads, it’s clear that memes about Twitter or Threads or any social media service will live on forever.


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


28 Funniest Meme Reactions To Meta Launching Its Twitter Ripoff 'Threads' - Jarastyle


Source link
Jarastyle – #Funniest #Meme #Reactions #Meta #Launching #Twitter #Ripoff #Threads
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/07/07/funny-meta-threads-memes-reactions/
