20 Creepy Discoveries People Made In Their New Homes – Jarastyle

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The excitement of moving into a new home can quickly turn into unease when you start thinking about the possibility of making creepy discoveries left behind by the previous owners. It’s hard to know what strange things might be lurking in the corners of your new home, waiting to be uncovered.

Unfortunately, these people have experienced the horror of stumbling upon eerie and unsettling things that were not revealed during the inspection.

1. “My Buddy Bought A House Found Some X-Rays In An Old Box”

creepy discoveries new home - x ray skull via reddit

2. “Found This On My New Apartments Toilet”

creepy discoveries new home - toilet camera via reddit

3. “I’m A Contractor. Bought An Abandoned/Foreclosed Home To Renovate. This Was In The Basement Bathroom. What. The. Hell”

creepy discoveries new home - head in toilet creepy basement bathroom via reddit

4. “The New House My Parents Bought Has A Secret Room Hidden Under The Stairs”

creepy discoveries new home - hidden room under stairs via reddit

5. “Moved Into A New House. Any Idea Why This Would Be In The Backyard?”

creepy discoveries new home - backyard headstone grave via reddit

6. “Friend Moved Into A New Home And This Is Their Toilet”

creepy discoveries new home - toilet seat barbed wire via reddit

7. “Friends And I Moved Into A New House. Found A Closet Full Of Doll Cutouts. Thought That Was Creepy Enough On Its Own But When You See It”

creepy discoveries new home - doll cutouts via reddit

8. “So I Found This Monkey In The Attic”

creepy discoveries new home - monkey in attic via reddit

9. “Wall Baby Needs Some Attention”

creepy discoveries new home - wall baby doll in cement via twitter

10. “Just Rented A New Place. Previous Tenant Left The Wall Mirror – And A Dirty Secret”

creepy discoveries new home - wall mirror hidden camera via reddit

11. “I Should Never Have Opened The Attic”

creepy discoveries new home - baby carriage in attic via reddit

12. “Just Moved Into A New Apartment And Happened Upon What I Thought Was A Piece Of Painted Over Tape Stuck To A Bookshelf”

creepy discoveries new home - emv chip taped to wall painted over via reddit

13. “Just Moved Into My New House. This Is Not A Deep-Pit BBQ”

creepy discoveries new home - creepy bunker underground room via reddit

14. “Found In The Basement At An Estate Sale”

creepy discoveries new home - doll via reddit

15. “Woman Finds Creepy ‘Hidden Room’ In Her New House”

creepy discoveries new home - creepy doll discoveries via reddit

16. “Renting A House For The Summer. Just Found This In The Backyard. Do I Dare?”

creepy discoveries new home - underground garbage bag via reddit

17. “NYC Woman Felt A Mysterious Airflow Coming From Her Bathroom Mirror, Only To Find A Hidden Apartment Behind It”

creepy discoveries new home - NYC Woman Felt A Mysterious Airflow Coming From Her Bathroom Mirror, Only To Find A Hidden Apartment Behind It via tiktok

18. “Just Bought A House. Found This In The Basement. Sealed Tight”

creepy discoveries new home - creepy door with handle via reddit

19. ” Previous Owner Of New House Blocked This Hidden Basement Room Off With A Shelf (Door Does Not Lead Outside)”

creepy discoveries new home - door blocked by shelf via reddit

20. “I Just Helped A Friend Move Into Their Apartment. The Next Day They Found 37 Clowns Under Their Porch”

creepy discoveries new home - clown dolls via reddit


Source link
Jarastyle – #Creepy #Discoveries #People #Homes
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/05/10/creepy-discoveries-new-homes/
