20 B2B Influencer Marketing Experts to Follow in 2022 and Beyond – Jarastyle Teen’s

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20 B2B Influencer Marketing Experts 2022

On the heels of publishing our 2022 State of B2B Influencer Marketing research, there are many questions that go beyond what can be contained within a robust 59 page report, especially when there’s so much optimism around the practice. For example:

  • 73% of B2B marketing organizations are working with influencers
  • 95% of B2B marketers that work with influencers have achieved one of their top marketing goals
  • 72% of B2B marketers have improved brand reputation working with influencers
  • 86% of B2B Marketers working with influencers are successful

While we’re ready and happy to answer any questions about influencer marketing here at TopRank Marketing I also know there are many smart B2B marketing practitioners working at companies of all sizes that have important insight, experience and perspectives to share.

At our boutique B2B marketing agency, we’re bold and ambitious enough to think we can help elevate the industry in several ways. We’re working with ambitious and results driven B2B marketers at brands ranging from a mid-market financial technology company to the #1 B2B social network to one of the biggest global telecommunications brands in the world that understand the value (and effectiveness) of creating content and connections that are more authentic and experiential. There are many ways to do that and for our part, we’re helping these B2B brands tap the expertise, influence and audiences of industry experts to create more meaningful content experiences.

Another way we’re working to elevate the B2B marketing industry is by putting a spotlight on marketing talent. A favorite way to do that is by curating and publishing thoughtful lists of professionals that are both practitioners and publishers of useful information. When it comes to influencer marketing in the B2B world, there’s a lot to learn and luckily the B2B marketing pros on the list that follows have a lot to teach us.

That’s right, this is a list of influencers about B2B influencer marketing.

20 B2B Influencer Marketing Pros to Follow and Learn From in 2022

Rani Mani
Rani Mani
Head of Employee Advocacy at Adobe
On the value of working with B2B influencers, Rani mentioned in our interview with her, “Something we’ve seen firsthand is crisis management and reputation management. When folks are misconstruing who we are and what we stand for, it’s so nice to have trusted advisors swoop in and save the day and explain what’s happening in a way that’s relatable and digestible for the everyday person. And it’s so much more believable when it comes from a peer vs. an executive from the company or a brand channel.”

Patrick Jones
Patrick Jones
Commercial Client Influencer Relations at Dell Technologies

Evy Lyons
Evy Lyons
CMO at Traackr
On the Renegade Podcast, Evy shared how B2B brands can break free using ideas from B2C influencer marketing: “What B2B is trying to do more of is be more creative and become more bold and find opportunities to stand out because everyone is using the same tactics. I think a B2B brand looking at a B2C company doing influencer marketing can get some ideas on how to creatively partner with folks outside their organization to create interesting content and experiences to reach their audience in an engaging way.”

Lina Forrestal
Lina Forrestal
Influencer Marketing Program Manager at Cisco

Ursula Ringham
Ursula Ringham
Head of Global Influencer Marketing at SAP
Ursula share her thoughts in the report on what makes a B2B influencer: “To understand if an influencer is authentic, trustworthy and credible to partner with, first figure out who they are as a person. Read, listen and watch their content. What separates them?”

Anton Shulke
Anton Shulke
Head of Influencer Marketing at Duda

Justin Levy
Justin Levy
Director, Social and Influencer Marketing at Demandbase
For the report, Justin offered his thoughts on the value of influence for B2B marketing: “Influencer marketing has accelerated amongst B2B brands and we’ll continue to see roles dedicated to influencer marketing since research shows buyers prefer to rely on industry experts.”

Treasa Dovander
Treasa Dovander
Head of Social Media, Leadership profiling & Influencer Engagement at Ericsson Digital Services

Ryan Bares
Ryan Bares
Global Influencer & Advocacy Lead at IBM
To help B2B marketers get the most from influencer marketing vendors, Ryan shared: “For an effective B2B influencer marketing program, platform partners need to deliver impactful insights into the audiences of the influencers – line of business, interests, engagement, title.”

Kenny Gold
Kenny Gold
Managing Director, Head of Social, Content and Influencer at Deloitte Digital

Click Play – This post is brought to you by the 2022 State of Influencer Marketing Research Report – Check out the preview here or download the FULL Report.

Rob Hilsen
Rob Hilsen
VP, Influence Marketing at Genesys

Paul Dobson
Paul Dobson
Senior Director, Social and Influencer Marketing at Citrix
In our previous interview with Paul, he talked about the ongoing value of B2B influencer relationships: “What I love most about working with influencers is the kind of range of “aha” moments that you have as you go along. And you work with them to form and build campaigns. Because the plans that you start off with, they kind of wiggle a bit. But you get there in the end and they change ever so slightly based on the interactions that you have with your influencers.”

Lucinda Henry
Lucinda Henry
Influencer Marketing Strategist at HPE

Srijana Angdembey
Srijana Angdembey
Director, Social Media & Influencer Marketing at Oracle
On the topic of finding the right B2B influencers for the 2022 report, Srijana shared, “First ask, does the influencer fit your brand persona? Do your core values align? That doesn’t mean the content the influencer is creating is in your branding, it means that the content is authentic to both the company and the influencer’s audience. It is a win-win for both.”

Vasudha Badri-Paul
Vasudha Badri-Paul
Marketing and Sales Director/Advisor at Alan AI

Angela Lipscomb
Angela Lipscomb
Influencer Relations Manager at SAS
On the future of influencer marketing for B2B companies, Angela shared, “B2B brands will start looking to new platforms to help reach a millennial and Gen Z audience. TikTok creators will join traditional technology influencers on the ‘influencer starting team’. Influencer managers will need to learn the nuances of working with these creators, but the basics will always hold true of being authentic, collaborative and relationship-oriented.”

Leah Marshall
Leah Marshall
Senior Director, Influencer Marketing at ANA

Amisha Gandhi
Amisha Gandhi
SVP Marketing at Tipalti
Amish shared a prediction about B2B influencer marketing: “The future is all about integrated marketing and customer experience. Marketers will need to plug the influencer component into the complex process of B2B purchasing cycles across all the touch points (from blog content to gated experiences to ABM to advocacy) to drive engagement and ROI.”

Ashley Zeckman
Ashley Zeckman
VP Strategy & Customer Success, North America at Onalytica

Drew Tambling
Drew Tambling
Director of Analyst & Influencer Relations at Sprinklr

By no means is this an exhaustive list because there are many more B2B marketing professionals working at B2B brands of all sizes that are actively engaging experts inside and outside the company to build influence – and that’s great news to us.

The number of dedicated and leadership influencer marketing roles at B2B brands has steadily increased every year since we started providing professional influencer marketing services to B2B companies back in 2012. Publishing and promoting lists like this over the years is truly an example of “a rising tide lifts all ships” as we do our small part to shine a spotlight on the talented marketers and B2B brands establishing the art and science of influence as part of the B2B marketing mix.

I encourage you to follow these B2B marketing professionals on Twitter, LinkedIn or your preferred social platform of choice.

Download 2022 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Report
To find out the best practices this group of marketers relies on for collaborating with influencers to create successful, authentic and meaningful content, be sure to check out our research highlights or download the full 2022 State of B2B Influencer Marketing Research Report.


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Courtesy : https://www.toprankblog.com/2022/07/b2b-influencer-marketing-experts/
