20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn’t Happen To You – Jarastyle

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We all will experience a bad day at some point in our lives. As much as it sucks, it makes you appreciate the good days more. Just be glad today it wasn’t your turn

Funny fails are only hilarious with a little perspective…

1. ‘My dad says, “Google is doing this stupid thing where the blur the top left part of the results. Facebook is doing it too actually.” He melted the top left corner of his screen.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle

2. “Landscapers trimmed my plastic plant.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/BillMillerBBQ

3. “Just had Satan’s moustache crawl across my face when I was trying to go to sleep. My skin is crawling.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle


4. “Gold2 Wellthatsbeyondrepair Spit-take Table Slap3 Table Flip Rocket Like62 This is 2020 Helpful48 Wholesome62 Silver50 Evil Cackle Yummy Heartwarming Betrayal Hugz49 Facepalm All-Seeing Upvote Wholesome Seal of Approval Turned my back for a minute and she peed in 20 cups of uncooked rice…’

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle

5. “My graduation photo”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/RamenNoodles851

6. “Showed my friend my new backpack and she said ‘come on, you are an adult.’”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/DreamKeeperX

7. “I appreciate your drunken late night attempt to clean, random party guest, but wooden cutting boards DO NOT go in the dishwasher”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle


8. “First overseas flight in 9 years! Paid extra for a window seat so I can see everything”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/AWildAnonHasAppeared

9. “Stuck in a parking space because my brother in-law set his Tesla do a software update at 10:30 pm.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/mgmcotton

10. “Accidentally left the garage open for 1 hour. They’re everywhere.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/bugsontheside

11. “A neighbour was house sitting for my cat while I was away. She has a dog. I told her the dog wasn’t allowed in my house. I come back to about 30 cat pouches looking like this – “your cat did it I couldn’t stop her”. My cat is 14 and has no teeth.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/JinxXedOmens

12. “My wife’s first trip on a plane and this was the view out her window.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/Witheredspoon62

13. “After 3 flat tires, we finally decided to investigate the gravel and grass near the driveway for nails…”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/danarexasaurus

14. “I found this lil’ guy chillin on my bed this morning”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/HomeTeapot

15. “Broke my finger at work, got fired after the drug test. All at the end of a 12 hour night shift”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/Thesmallthedude

16. “And that was our dinner.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/AmyMHouse

17. “Used ramps to change oil for the first time… while backing up, the ramps slid/shot out and hit the 5qt used oil container and painted my garage a new color.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle

18. “I hope the rest of his day goes well”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle

19. “My car broke 5 minutes to early. I was on my way to buy a new one. Had to be picked up.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle

20. “Installing a metal roof flawlessly.”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/Enrynxte

21. “The ATM took my card then just shut down”

20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyleu/grubas123


20+ Awkward Fails From This Week That Are Extra Funny Because They Didn't Happen To You - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Awkward #Fails #Week #Extra #Funny #Didnt #Happen
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/07/01/sucks-to-be-you-bro-6-28-22/
