14 Tips to Look Flawless Pretty Without Makeup – Jarastyle

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Pretty Without Makeup: Getting a flawless skin is like dream come true. We wear so much of makeup that we actually forgot how beautiful we look even without it. Our face is our confidence and without makeup, we don’t look confident anymore. But makeup is not the only thing that will make us look amazing. Instead of wasting your time searching various makeup tutorials we should rather concentrate on the things that are really worth it. Undoubtedly, you can hide your various imperfections with makeup but there are various occasion where you don’t need any makeup like hiking, sleeping over with your best friend’s house and so on. You should try to look fabulous even without makeup with these beauty hacks.

A natural skin helps you to shine like anything else and the best part is you can carry yourself confidently to any party or function. If you have naturally beautiful skin then you don’t need to apply mascara or different shades of lipstick when you step out of your home. As you already know this, all makeup products are made up from harmful chemicals and artificial ingredients so having flawless skin even with makeup is quite tough. Only a naturally beautiful skin can skip you to buy lots of salon supplies. Honestly, it’s all about how you feel about yourself and how you maintain your skin. Your lifestyle and daily routine are going to decide what your skin look like. If you are not having a healthy diet then it will reflect on your skin clearly.

For your own benefit, we have listed some of the fabulous ways to get stunning and beautiful looking skin.

Go For a Healthy Diet

pretty girls with no makeup

A balanced diet is a perfect way for keeping your body and skin healthy. You should eat rich vegetables, meat, fish and nuts for maintaining your skin. Make sure that you also add dark chocolate which will protect your skin from radical damage. You can also include vitamin C like sweet potatoes which will help your skin for overall tone and makes your skin bright. If you want to solutions for your acne, eczema then you should add some fats to your daily routine like salmon. You will notice some instant changes in your skin within a month and if you don’t notice any changes then you should cut surgery foods from your diet.

Moisturize Your Skin

pretty girl with no makeup

If your skin looks dry, uneven and tight it’s because you are not using moisturizer.  Skin moisturizer helps your skin to look more flawless and glowing. You should use a good moisturizer that suits your skin every day after the shower. There are several other benefits of using a moisturizer like reducing pimples, fine lines and lots more. By using moisturizer daily you will get gorgeous skin in no time. If you still don’t want to invest in buying a good moisturizer then you can make your very own moisturizer. All you need is to apply argan or jojoba oil in your skin. This work wonders in winters and also prevents your skin from getting dry.

Exfoliate Your Skin

pretty people with no makeup

Facial treatment specialists suggest the best way of getting rid of dry and flaky skin is by exfoliating your skin at least once or twice a week. As you are well aware of the fact that your skin has a dead cell so you need to remove your dead cell as soon as possible. This will help your renew some fresh and healthy cell.

If you are having a fresh and healthy cell then it will reflect in your skin. Due to excess dead cell you will notice blackheads, pores or acne. If you are no mood in investing scrubs then you can also make your very own scrubs using some natural ingredients like gram flour or coffee. If you are exfoliating your skin once or twice a week you will notice visible changes.

Use Sunscreen Lotion

no makeup

You should always use sunscreen lotion which will protect your skin from harmful effect of UV rays. This will also prevent your skin from various skin damages like fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. Make sure that you use that you use more than SPF 30 for long-lasting benefits. It also helps your skin from dark spots and hyper-pigmentation which will help your skin to look glowing and flawless. If you are following this simple routine then you will see amazing results in the future.

Drink Enough Water

how to look pretty without makeup

Drinking 8 glass of water will reduce your maximum skin problems. It will also help you to reduce some of the harmful toxins from your skin so that you can get glowing skin. This will also help you to deal with wrinkles and also helps you to get rid of your pimples. Drinking enough water every day is the best method to rehydrate your skin inside out.  If you are not drinking enough water then it will reflect in your skin. Detox drinks are the best way to get flawless skin within a week, you can add cucumber, lemon, watermelon, and mint leaves in your water. This can change your skin tone and helps you to get glowing skin within a week.

Exercise Regularly

pretty with no makeup

Physical activities will help your body and skin in various ways. Only through various physical activities, you can able to get perfect body and skin. As you are already aware of the fact that physical activities will help you to uplift your mood and improves your blood circulation. According to recent research, people who exercise daily have healthier and youthful skin. Even after exercise, you need to maintain some habits like using sunscreen, washing your face after a workout. These small but important habits will help you to get rid of sweat and clogged pores.

Do Facial Massage

pretty woman without makeup

Many girls don’t know this but your skin needs to move so that it can stimulate blood flow. You should go for skin massage once or twice a month so that it can enhance your blood flow for an instant glow. The facial massage will relax your skin and reduce your fine lines. They will target pressure point on your face where you will feel more relaxed and stress-free. You can also use coconut oil or lotion as your skin will get moisturized while you are getting a massage.

 Use Primer

pretty with no makeup

Once you are having healthy food and regular exercise, your skin also requires protection from the makeup supplies. You should use a primer before applying makeup so that you can achieve flawless skin. There are so many benefits of using primers every day like it will prevent your skin from redness and dull complexion. This will also help your skin for ethical glow and leaves you long-lasting effect.

Avoid BB Cream

with no makeup on

BB cream or Beauty Balm is one of the perfect things that you can ever use. This is especially one product that works as a moisturizer, serum, foundation, concealer, and foundation. You should use BB cream according to your skin type as every brand has their BB cream. If you are using too much of BB cream then it can hamper your skin in many ways.

Drink Green Tea Regularly

pretty with no makeup

There are so many amazing benefits of drinking green tea every day. This is only reasons many health specialists recommend green tea as it will lead you to healthy skin and healthy body. This also contains an antioxidant which will prevent cell damage and also help your skin to brighter and lighter. Green tea improves the blood circulation of your skin which will prevent your skin dullness. You should definitely make this a habit of drinking green tea every day.

Healthy Hairs

no makeup

You must be wondering how hairs is related to face. Healthy hairs also lead to no makeup look.  You should trim your hair quite often so that your hairs can grow. Every girl knows this a good hair day makes everything perfect. You should take time from your busy schedule and start pampering your hairs. You should use coconut oil or almond oil at least once a week.


Someone said this very rightly “happy girls are prettiest girls”. People love to see genuine smile than everything else. You need to take good care of your teeth so that people will notice your smile. Make this as a habit of brushing your teeth regularly and you should visit a dentist in every 6 months. While brushing you should go up and down in little circular motion so that you can get clean and healthy teeth. Only a great smile will take your confidence to a next level.

Take Proper Sleep

pretty girl with no makeup

Having a proper sleep is very important as your body prepare itself while sleeping. If you are sleeping of 8-9 hours every day then you will always feel refreshed and relax. Having a proper sleep will also help you to reduce your dark circle and slow down the aging process. Make sure that you are having a good beauty sleep for beautiful and glowing skin.

Love Yourself

 pretty people with no makeup

You need to love yourself no matter how you look. No matter how you look self-love is very important. You should impress people with your beautiful soul, not with your beautiful skin. We all are imperfect and you should embrace your imperfection with grace.

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Jarastyle – #Tips #Flawless #Pretty #Makeup
Courtesy : https://inkbeau.com/pretty-with-no-makeup/
