14 Signs Your Friend Trish Is Actually Amelia Earhart In Disguise | by Sophie Hayssen | May, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Review the following signs to see if your hunch is right (just don’t tell Trish!).

Sophie HayssenThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Daniel Eledut on Unsplash

Eighty-six years ago famed aviator Amelia Earhart disappeared on an attempted round-the-world flight. Two years after she failed to arrive on Howland Island from New Guinea, Earhart was presumed dead. Is death the most likely explanation for Earhart’s disappearance? For most people, the answer is yes. But is it the only one? No. There is a chance that your new bestie, Trish, is actually the famed aviatress in disguise. Review the following signs to see if your hunch is right (just don’t tell Trish!).

  1. You met on vacation when she washed ashore on the beaches of the South Pacific.
  2. Trish knows a suspicious amount about early 20th century airplanes.
  3. She wears aviator goggles and a bomber jacket wherever she goes, even CVS.
  4. Every time you go to the club Trish “forgets” to bring her ID.
  5. You told your fellow Redditors about your suspicions on the r/ameliaearhartisalive thread and they believe you.
  6. Trish loves History Channel documentaries on Amelia Earhart because they remind her of “the good old days.”
  7. She claims she has no memories between the years 1937 and 2023
  8. Whenever someone mentions that Amelia Earhart went missing, Trish takes a long drag from her cigarette and says “that’s what you think.”
  9. She always beats you in hide and go seek.
  10. Actually, Trish is so good at disappearing you can never find her in time to introduce her to your other friends or take a photo of her.
  11. She kinda, sort-of looks like Amelia Earhart.
  12. She turns 126 in July.
  13. You begin to think that government agents are following you because you’re about to expose their decades-old conspiracy to sabotage her round the world flight.
  14. When you ask Trish if she was Amelia Earhart back from the dead, she said “of course not” and then winked.


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Jarastyle – #Signs #Friend #Trish #Amelia #Earhart #Disguise #Sophie #Hayssen
Courtesy : https://thebelladonnacomedy.com/14-signs-your-friend-trish-is-actually-amelia-earhart-in-disguise-a7c4c15133a9?source=rss—-e9e22d25fb5e—4
